How to make common mistakes free logo design

Logo is a symbol that is a symbol of your company. It will serve as your identity as your company logo will be marketed to the public, thus your company should have a design that is worth to be marketed.

An effective company logo is unique, creative, attractive, and relevant. Your design should be carefully designed as it will describe what your company is all about.

Art logos are usually the first thing which will be looked up by people, primarily if art logos comprise the name of the company. People won't be interested in a company with uninspiring designs for art logos. Bad logoa may affect the overall status of the company. People may perceive that the business is not good due to its inappropriate company logo.

Here are the common mistakes that could make a logo inappropriate and uninspiring to public:


Almost all art logos have company names embedded with them. In fact, some companies have their own tag lines that were placed on their art logos to attract more customers. However, if logo designer committed typography errors, but the sad thing is that, the errors haven't been fixed yet. Art logos will be able to gain bad criticisms from the public. Instead of gaining customers, companies will gain lots of negative feedbacks, and may even lose their old customers.

Using Clip-art

Clip-art graphics are pre-made graphics. Designers that will use these graphics will not be able to create and outstanding and unique art logos as these clip-art graphics are standard and available to everyone. Art logos that are using clip-art graphics can be perceived by customers as cheap art logos. So in making a logo, customize your own design, or better tell your logo designer to make custom design.

Not Creating the Logo in Grayscale

Your company logo should look appear good in both monochrome and colored image effects.


Make your logo as unique as possible to prevent issues of plagiarism. Remember that art logos have protection under the law too. They are owned by the ones who made them. So, in purchasing art logos or hiring logo services, ensure that the art logos could be completely own by you.

Not Choosing a Good Color Combination

Colors are the first things that could attract people. Make sure that your logo had a good color combination so that people may not lose their interest to your business. The crowd will not be interested to art logos that do not appear good to the eyes.


Complex logo designs could not attract people. Businesses that have complex could be interpreted as complicated businesses too. Of course, people will not go into businesses that instead of helping them with their concerns; they could just add confusions to them.

These common mistakes should be avoided by logo designers as these factors could result into inappropriate art logos that could lose the interests of the public.

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